ICON Data Browser Online

Dr. Thomas Immel 0 233

A data browser developed by Dr. Yen-Jung Wu here at SSL allows you to make plots of ICON data very quickly, and once the data are plotted provides a quick link to the file at the NASA repository. 


New - ICON Data Documentation Online

PDMP and CMAD collect a lot of information in one place.

Dr. Thomas Immel 0 151

The ICON Project Data Management Plan (PDMP) is available online. This 350 page document was updated for and submitted with the ICON Senior Review proposal.  It describes the content of all data files available on out own FTP site and the NASA SPDF archive.

The ICON Calibration and Measurement Algorithms Document (or CMAD) is also available online. This is a historically prescribed title for a document that is now required of all NASA missions. It is created newly for ICON for the senior review, weighs in at 180 pages, and describes the data processing algorithms used in the ICON Science Data Center.

MIGHTI v5 wind product now processing

It's a very exciting update!

Dr. Thomas Immel 0 996

Version 5 of the MIGHTI thermospheric winds is on its way. We are currently processing all the line of sight winds and once these are approved, will be promoted to the public FTP site and then the NASA archive. This wind product fills some long data gaps bad due to solar contamination. In version 5 the effects of this contamination has been mitigated and most of the data has been recovered. It also un-tethers the zero wind from HWM, using the on-orbit calibration processes to determine zero.


ICON skin is based on Greytness by Adammer
Background image, courtesy of NASA, is a derivitave of photograph taken by D. Pettit from the ISS, used under Creative Commons license