Space Science Reviews: The Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) Mission: First Results
Englert, C.R., Harlander, J.M., Marr, K.D., Harding, B.J., Makela, J.J., Fae, T., Brown, C.M., Ratnam, M.V., Rao, S.V.B. and Immel, T.J., 2023. Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) On-Orbit Wind Observations: Data Analysis and Instrument Performance. Space Science Reviews, 219(3), p.27. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-023-00971-1 (publicly accessible)
Frey, H.U., Mende, S.B., Meier, R.R., Kamaci, U., Urco, J.M., Kamalabadi, F., England, S.L. and Immel, T.J., 2023. In flight performance of the Far Ultraviolet instrument (FUV) on ICON. Space Science Reviews, 219(3), p.23. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-023-00969-9
Gasperini, F., Crowley, G., Immel, T.J. and Harding, B.J., 2022. Vertical Wave Coupling in the Low-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere as Revealed by Concurrent ICON and COSMIC-2 Observations. Space Science Reviews, 218(7), pp.1-20. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-022-00923-1
Heelis, R.A., Depew, M.D., Chen, Y.J. and Perdue, M.D., 2022. Ionospheric Connections (ICON) Ion Velocity Meter (IVM) Observations of the Equatorial Ionosphere at Solar Minimum. Space Science Reviews, 218(8), pp.1-16. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-022-00936-w
Immel, T.J., England, S.L., Harding, B.J. et al. 2023. The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - Prime Mission Review. Space Sci Rev 219, 41 (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s11214-023-00975-x (publicly accessible)
Korpela, E.J., Sirk, M.M., Edelstein, J., McPhate, J.B., Tuminello, R.M., Stephan, A.W., England, S.L. and Immel, T.J., 2023. In-flight performance of the ICON EUV spectrograph. Space Science Reviews, 219(3), p.24. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-023-00963-1 (publicly accessible)
Mende, S.B., Frey, H.U., England, S.L., Immel, T.J., and Eastes, R.W., 2022. Time Delay Integration Imaging of the Nighttime Ionosphere from the ICON Observatory. Space Sci Rev 218, 61. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-022-00928-w (publicly accessible)
Stephan, A.W., Sirk, M.M., Korpela, E.J., England, S.L. and Immel, T.J., 2022. Characterization of the daytime ionosphere with ICON EUV airglow limb profiles. Space Science Reviews, 218(8), pp.1-17. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-022-00933-z
Stevens, M.H., Englert, C.R., Harlander, J.M., Marr, K.D., Harding, B.J., Triplett, C.C., Mlynczak, M.G., Yuan, T., Evans, J.S., Mende, S.B. and Immel, T.J., 2022. Temperatures in the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere from O2 Atmospheric Band Emission Observed by ICON/MIGHTI. Space Science Reviews, 218(8), pp.1-32. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-022-00935-x
Triplett, C.C., Harding, B.J., Wu, Y.J.J., England, S., Englert, C.R., Makela, J.J., Stevens, M.H. and Immel, T., 2023. Large-Scale Gravity Waves in Daytime ICON-MIGHTI Data from 2020. Space Science Reviews, 219(1), pp.1-11. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-022-00944-w
Wautelet G., Hubert B., Gérard J.-C., Immel T.J., Sirk M.M., Korpela E.J., Stephan A.W., Mende S.B., England S.L. and Erickson P.J. 2022. Comparison of ICON-EUV F-peak characteristic parameters with external data sources, Space Science Reviews, 218:62, Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-022-00930-2
Wautelet, G., Hubert, B., Gérard, J.C., Immel, T.J., Frey, H.U., Kamalabadi, F., Kamaci, U. and England, S.L., 2023. Update of ICON-FUV hmF2 and NmF2 comparison with external radio observations. Space Science Reviews, 219(3), p.21. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-023-00970-2
Wu, Y.J.J., Mende, S., Harding, B.J., Alken, P., Maute, A. and Immel, T.J., 2023. Cross-Validation of the Ionospheric Vertical Drift Measurements Based on ICON/IVM, Swarm, and the Ground-Based Radar at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory. Space Science Reviews, 219(6), p.47. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-023-00993-9 (publicly accessible)
Space Science Reviews: The Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) mission
Bust, G.S. and Immel, T.J., 2020. IDA4D: Ionospheric Data Assimilation for the ICON Mission. Space Science Reviews, 216(3), pp.1-17. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-020-00648-z (publicly accessible)
Englert, C.R., Harlander, J.M., Brown, C.M., Marr, K.D., Miller, I.J., Stump, J.E., Hancock, J., Peterson, J.Q., Kumler, J., Morrow, W.H., Mooney, T.A., Ellis, S., Mende, S.B., Harris, S.E., Stevens, M.H., Makela, J.J., Harding, B.J., and Immel, T.J., 2017. Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): instrument design and calibration. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.553-584. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0358-4
Forbes, J.M., Zhang, X., Hagan, M.E., England, S.L., Liu, G. and Gasperini, F., 2017. On the Specification of Upward-Propagating Tides for ICON Science Investigations. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.697-713. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0401-5
Harding, B.J., Makela, J.J., Englert, C.R., Marr, K.D., Harlander, J.M., England, S.L. and Immel, T.J., 2017. The MIGHTI Wind Retrieval Algorithm: Description and Verification. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.585–600. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0359-3
Harlander, J.M., Englert, C.R., Brown, C.M., Marr, K.D., Miller, I.J., Zastera, V., Bach, B.W. and Mende, S.B., 2017. Michelson interferometer for global high-resolution thermospheric imaging (MIGHTI): monolithic interferometer design and test. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.601–613. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0374-4
Heelis, R.A., Stoneback, R.A., Perdue, M.D., Depew, M.D., Morgan, W.A., Mankey, M.W., Lippincott, C.R., Harmon, L.L., and Holt, B.J., 2017. Ion Velocity Measurements for the Ionospheric Connections Explorer. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.615-629. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0383-3
Huba, J.D., Maute, A. and Crowley, G., 2017. SAMI3_ICON: Model of the Ionosphere/Plasmasphere System. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.731-742. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0415-z
Immel, T.J., England, S.L., Mende, S.B., Heelis, R.A., Englert, C.R., Edelstein, J., Frey, H.U., Taylor, E.R., Craig, W.W., Harris, S.E., Bester, M., Bust, G.S., Crowley, G., Forbes, J.M., Gérard, J.-C., Harlander, J.M., Huba, J.D., Hubert, B., Kamalabadi, F., Makela, J.J., Maute, A.I., Meier, R.R., Raftery, C., Rochus, P., Siegmund, O.H.W., Stephan, A.W., Swenson, G.R., Frey, S., Hysell, D.L., Saito, A., Rider, K.A., and Sirk, M.M., 2018. The Ionospheric Connection Explorer mission: mission goals and design. Space Science Reviews, 214:13 (36pp.). Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0449-2
Kamalabadi, F., Qin, J., Harding, B.J., Iliou, D., Makela, J.J., Meier, R.R., England, S.L., Frey, H.U., Mende, S.B. and Immel, T.J., 2018. Inferring nighttime ionospheric parameters with the Far Ultraviolet Imager onboard the Ionospheric Connection Explorer. Space Science Reviews, 214:70 (14pp.). Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-018-0502-9
Maute, A., 2017. Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model for the Ionospheric Connection Explorer: TIEGCM-ICON. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.523-551. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0330-3
Mende, S.B., Frey, H.U., Rider, K., Chou, C., Harris, S.E., Siegmund, O.H.W., England, S.L., Wilkins, C., Craig, W., Immel, T.J. and Turin, P., 2017. The far ultra-violet Imager on the ICON mission. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.655-696. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0386-0
Sirk, M. M., Korpela, E. J., Ishikawa, Y., Edelstein, J., Wishnow, E. H., Smith, C., McCauley J., McPhate J.B., Curtis J., and Gibson, S. R., 2017. Design and performance of the ICON EUV spectrograph. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.631-643. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0384-2
Stephan, A.W., Meier, R.R., England, S.L., Mende, S.B., Frey, H.U. and Immel, T.J., 2018. Daytime O/N2 Retrieval Algorithm for the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON). Space Science Reviews, 214:42 (17pp.). Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-018-0477-6
Stephan, A.W., Korpela, E.J., Sirk, M.M., England, S.L. and Immel, T.J., 2017. Daytime Ionosphere Retrieval Algorithm for the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON). Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.645-654. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0385-1
Stevens, M.H., Englert, C.R., Harlander, J.M., England, S.L., Marr, K.D., Brown, C.M., and Immel, T.J., 2018. Retrieval of Lower Thermospheric Temperatures from O2 A Band Emission: The MIGHTI Experiment on ICON. Space Science Reviews, 214:4 (9pp.). Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0434-9
Wilkins, C.W., Mende, S.B., Frey, H.U. and England, S.L., 2017. Time-Delay Integration Imaging with ICON’s Far-Ultraviolet Imager. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.715-730. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0410-4
Forbes, J.M., Zhang, X., Cullens, C. and Maute, A., 2025. Solar semidiurnal variations in the thermosphere and ionosphere forced from above and from below. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 130(1), p.e2024JA033353. DOI: 10.1029/2024JA033353 (publicly accessible)
Gasperini, F., Maute, A., Wang, H., McClung, O., Aggarwal, D. and Kumari, K., 2025. Tidally driven intra‐seasonal oscillations in the thermosphere from TIEGCM‐ICON and connections to the Madden‐Julian Oscillation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 130(1), p.e2024JA033178. Preprint for public access. DOI: 10.1029/2024JA033178
Harding, B.J., Serrano, M.C., Gasque, L.C., Joanne Wu, Y.J., Maute, A. and Immel, T.J., 2025. Wind‐driven variability in the prereversal enhancement of the equatorial vertical plasma drift: Climatologies observed by ICON. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 130(1), p.e2024JA033279. DOI: 10.1029/2024JA033279 (publicly accessible)
Dhadly, M., Jones Jr, M., Emmert, J., Drob, D., Budzien, S., Zawdie, K. and McCormack, J., 2024. Short‐term to inter‐annual variability of the non‐migrating tide DE3 from MIGHTI, SABER, and TIDI: Potential tropospheric sources and ionospheric impacts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129(8), p.e2024JA032849. DOI: 10.1029/2024JA032849 (publicly accessible)
Feggeler, M. and England, S.L., 2024. Ionospheric observations from formation flying spacecraft. Advances in Space Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2024.03.054 (publicly accessible)
Forbes, J.M., Zhang, X., Englert, C.R., Heelis, R., Stevens, M.H., Harding, B.J., Harlander, J.M., Marr, K.D., Makela, J.J. and Immel, T.J., 2024. Thermosphere UFKW structures and ionosphere coupling as observed by ICON. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(8), p.e2023GL105975. DOI: 10.1029/2023GL105975 (publicly accessible)
Forbes, J.M., Zhang, X., Maute, A. and Cullens, C., 2024. Responses of the mean thermosphere circulation, O/N2 ratio and Ne to solar and magnetospheric forcing from above and tidal forcing from below. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129(3), p.e2024JA032449. Public access. DOI: 10.1029/2024JA032449
Gan, Q., Eastes, R.W., Wu, Y.J., Qian, L., Cai, X., Wang, W., England, S.L. and McClintock, W.E., 2024. Thermospheric responses to the 3 and 4 November 2021 geomagnetic storm during the main and recovery phases as observed by NASA's GOLD and ICON missions. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(1), p.e2023GL106529. DOI: 10.1029/2023GL106529 (publicly accessible)
Gasque, L.C., Harding, B.J., Immel, T.J., Wu, Y.J., Triplett, C.C., Vadas, S.L., Becker, E. and Maute, A., 2024. Evening solar terminator waves in Earth's thermosphere: Neutral wind signatures observed by ICON‐MIGHTI. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129(2), p.e2023JA032274. DOI: 10.1029/2023JA032274 (publicly accessible)
González, G., Wu, Y.J., Gasque, L.C., Triplett, C.C., Harding, B.J. and Immel, T.J. 2024. Effects of storm-time winds on ionospheric pre-midnight equatorial plasma bubbles over South America as observed by ICON and GOLD. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129, e2024JA033111. DOI: 10.1029/2024JA033111 (publicly accessible)
Harding, B.J., Immel, T.J., Mende, S.B., Wu, Y.J.J., Maute, A., England, S.L., Heelis, R.A., Forbes, J.M., Englert, C.R., Marr, K.D. and Harlander, J.M., 2024. Day‐to‐day variability of the neutral wind dynamo observed by ICON: First results from conjugate observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(5), p.e2023GL107110. DOI: 10.1029/2023GL107110 (publicly accessible)
Huba, J.D., 2024. Impact of meridional winds on the development of equatorial plasma bubbles: a review. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 11, p.1472642. DOI: 10.3389/fspas.2024.1472642 (publicly accessible)
Hysell, D.L., Kirchman, A., Harding, B.J., Heelis, R.A., England, S.L., Frey, H.U. and Mende, S.B., 2024. Using ICON satellite data to forecast equatorial ionospheric instability throughout 2022. Space Weather, 22(3), p.e2023SW003817. DOI: 10.1029/2023SW003817 (publicly accessible)
Krier, C.S. and England, S.L., 2024. Semidiurnal non‐migrating tides in the middle thermosphere from far ultraviolet observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129(4), p.e2023JA032102. DOI: 10.1029/2023JA032102 (publicly accessible)
Li, M., Deng, Y., Harding, B. J., & England, S. 2024. Climatology of dayside E-region zonal neutral wind shears from ICON-mighti observations. Space Weather, 22, e2023SW003670. DOI: 10.1029/2023SW003670 (publicly accessible)
Liu, H., Qin, J., Kamaci, U. and Kamalabadi, F., 2024. A Bayesian Framework for Accurate Determination of the Nighttime Ionospheric Parameters from the ICON FUV Observations. Space Science Reviews, 220(7), p.71. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-024-01106-w
Lu, X., Wu, H., Heale, C., England, S. and Zhang, S., 2024. Impacts of thunderstorm‐generated gravity waves on the ionosphere‐thermosphere using TIEGCM‐NG/MAGIC simulations and comparisons with GNSS TEC, ICON, and COSMIC‐2 observations. Journal of Geophysical Research. Space Physics, 129(12), p.e2024JA032854. DOI: 10.1029/2024JA032854 (publicly accessible)
Sreelakshmi, J., Maute, A., Richmond, A.D., Vichare, G., Harding, B.J. and Alken, P., 2024. Effect of vertical shear in the zonal wind on equatorial electrojet sidebands: An observational perspective using Swarm and ICON data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129(10), p.e2024JA032678. Public access. DOI: 10.1029/2024JA032678
Tuminello, R.M., Stephan, A.W. and England, S.L., 2024. Retrieval of thermospheric O and N2 densities from ICON EUV. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129(2), p.e2023JA032100. DOI: 10.1029/2023JA032100 (publicly accessible)
Yamazaki, Y., Stolle, C., Xiong, C., Alken, P., Yang, Y., Zhima, Z., Harding, B. and Yan, R., Day-to-day and longitudinal variability of the equatorial electrojet as viewed from the Sun-synchronous CSES satellite. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 11, p.1460312. DOI: 10.3389/fspas.2024.1460312 (publicly accessible)
Yiğit, E., Gann, A.L., Medvedev, A.S., Gasperini, F., Wu, Q. and Sakib, M.N., 2024. Observation of vertical coupling during a major sudden stratospheric warming by ICON and GOLD: a case study of the 2020/2021 warming event. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 11, p.1384196. DOI: 10.3389/fspas.2024.1384196 (publicly accessible)
Englert, C.R., Harlander, J.M., Marr, K.D., Harding, B.J., Makela, J.J., Fae, T., Brown, C.M., Ratnam, M.V., Rao, S.V.B. and Immel, T.J., 2023. Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) On-Orbit Wind Observations: Data Analysis and Instrument Performance. Space Science Reviews, 219(3), p.27. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-023-00971-1 (publicly accessible)
Englert, C.R., Harlander, J.M., Harding, B.J. and Marr, K.D., 2023, July. Low-Signal Phase Shift: Characterizing an Unexpected Detector Deterioration of the ICON/MIGHTI Instrument. In Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (pp. FTu5B-4). Optica Publishing Group. DOI: 10.1364/FTS.2023.FTu5B.4. PDF for public access.
Forbes, J.M., Zhang, X. and Palo, S.E., 2023. UFKW propagation in the dissipative thermosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128(1), p.e2022JA030921. Author's manuscript for public access. DOI: 10.1029/2022JA030921
Frey, H.U., Mende, S.B., Meier, R.R., Kamaci, U., Urco, J.M., Kamalabadi, F., England, S.L. and Immel, T.J., 2023. In flight performance of the Far Ultraviolet instrument (FUV) on ICON. Space Science Reviews, 219(3), p.23. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-023-00969-9
Gan, Q., Qian, L., Pedatella, N.M., Wu, Y.J., Correira, J., Wang, W., McClintock, W.E. and Eastes, R.W., 2023. GOLD synoptic observations of thermospheric annual and semiannual variations in composition during solar minimum years. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(4), p.e2022GL101215. DOI: 10.1029/2022GL101215 (publicly accessible)
Gasperini, F., Harding, B.J., Crowley, G. and Immel, T.J., 2023. Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling via Global-Scale Waves: New Insights from Two-Years of Concurrent In-Situ and Remotely-Sensed Satellite Observations. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10. DOI: 10.3389/fspas.2023.1217737 (publicly accessible)
Gasperini, F., Jones Jr, M., Harding, B.J. and Immel, T.J., 2023. Direct observational evidence of altered mesosphere lower thermosphere mean circulation from a major sudden stratospheric warming. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(7), p.e2022GL102579. DOI: 10.1029/2022GL102579 (publicly accessible)
Goel, D., Wu, Y.J.J., Harding, B.J., Triplett, C.C., Immel, T.J., Cullens, C. and England, S., 2023. On the Variation of Column Density Ratio ΣO/N2 in the Upper Atmosphere Using Principal Component Analysis in 2‐Dimensional Images. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128(6), p.e2022JA031037. DOI: 10.1029/2022JA031037 (publicly accessible)
Harlander, J.M., 2023. Algebraic ray trace analysis of spatial heterodyne spectrometers. Applied Optics, 62(16), pp.4288-4300. Author's Manuscript for public access. DOI: 10.1364/AO.486840
Huba, J.D., 2023. Resolution of the Equatorial Spread F Problem: Revisited. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, p.415. DOI: 10.3389/fspas.2022.1098083 (publicly accessible)
Huba, J.D. and Liu, H.L., 2023. Modeling the Development of Plasmasphere Ducts and Irregularities With SAMI3/WACCM‐X. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(20), p.e2023GL105470. DOI: 10.1029/2023GL105470 (publicly accessible)
Hysell, D.L., Kirchman, A., Harding, B.J., Heelis, R.A. and England, S.L., 2023. Forecasting equatorial ionospheric convective instability with ICON satellite measurements. Space Weather, 21(5), p.e2023SW003427. DOI: 10.1029/2023SW003427 (publicly accessible)
Immel, T.J., England, S.L., Harding, B.J. et al. 2023. The Ionospheric Connection Explorer - Prime Mission Review. Space Sci Rev 219, 41 (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s11214-023-00975-x (publicly accessible)
Jones Jr, M., Goncharenko, L.P., McDonald, S.E., Zawdie, K.A., Tate, J., Gasperini, F., Pedatella, N.M., Drob, D.P. and McCormack, J.P., 2023. Understanding Nighttime Ionospheric Depletions Associated With Sudden Stratospheric Warmings in the American Sector. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128(6), p.e2022JA031236. Public access. DOI: 10.1029/2022JA031236
Korpela, E.J., Sirk, M.M., Edelstein, J., McPhate, J.B., Tuminello, R.M., Stephan, A.W., England, S.L. and Immel, T.J., 2023. In-flight performance of the ICON EUV spectrograph. Space Science Reviews, 219(3), p.24. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-023-00963-1 (publicly accessible)
Krier, C.S., England, S.L., Meier, R.R. and Frey, H.U., 2023. Reducing the Ionospheric Contamination Effects on the Column O/N2 Ratio and Its Application to the Identification of Non‐Migrating Tides. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128(4), p.e2022JA031148. DOI: 10.1029/2022JA031148 (publicly accessible)
Maute, A., Forbes, J.M., Cullens, C.Y. and Immel, T.J., 2023. Delineating the effect of upward propagating migrating solar tides with the TIEGCM-ICON. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 10, p.1147571. DOI: 10.3389/fspas.2023.1147571 (publicly accessible)
McGinness, E.C., Immel, T.J., Harding, B.J., Wu, Y.J. and Triplett, C.C., 2023. The Effects of a Small Geomagnetic Storm on Earth’s Thermosphere and Ionosphere: ICON Observations of the 25 Jan. 2021 Disturbance. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128, p.e2022JA031207. DOI: 10.1029/2022JA031207 (publicly accessible)
Meier, R.R., Soto, E., Evans, J.S., Stephan, A.W. and Tashiro, M., 2023. New O partial photoionization cross sections resolve ionospheric EUV remote sensing issues. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128(10), p.e2023JA031533. DOI: 10.1029/2023JA031533 (publicly accessible)
Navarro, L.A., Makela, J.J., Forbes, J.M., Harding, B.J., Englert, C.R., Harlander, J.M., Marr, K.D., Kerr, R., Noto, J., Wu, Q. and Benkhaldoun, Z., 2023. Non‐migrating structures in the northern midlatitude thermosphere during December solstice using ICON/MIGHTI and FPI observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, p.e2023JA031468. DOI: 10.1029/2023JA031468 (publicly accessible)
Stephan, A.W., England, S.L., Sirk, M.M., Korpela, E.J., and Immel, T.J., 2023. Characterization of Longitudinal Patterns in the Daytime Ionosphere with ICON EUV Airglow. Conference Proceedings: Ionospheric Effects Symposium 2023 (IES2023), Alexandria, VA, USA. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8122157 (publicly accessible)
Triplett, C.C., Harding, B.J., Wu, Y.J.J., England, S., Englert, C.R., Makela, J.J., Stevens, M.H. and Immel, T., 2023. Large-Scale Gravity Waves in Daytime ICON-MIGHTI Data from 2020. Space Science Reviews, 219(1), pp.1-11. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-022-00944-w
Vadas, S.L., Becker, E., Figueiredo, C., Bossert, K., Harding, B.J. and Gasque, L.C., 2023. Primary and Secondary Gravity Waves and Large‐Scale Wind Changes Generated by the Tonga Volcanic Eruption on 15 January 2022: Modeling and Comparison With ICON‐MIGHTI Winds. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 128(2), p.e2022JA031138. Public access. DOI: 10.1029/2022JA031138
Wautelet, G., Hubert, B., Gérard, J.C., Immel, T.J., Frey, H.U., Kamalabadi, F., Kamaci, U. and England, S.L., 2023. Update of ICON-FUV hmF2 and NmF2 comparison with external radio observations. Space Science Reviews, 219(3), p.21. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-023-00970-2
Wu, Y.J.J., Mende, S., Harding, B.J., Alken, P., Maute, A. and Immel, T.J., 2023. Cross-Validation of the Ionospheric Vertical Drift Measurements Based on ICON/IVM, Swarm, and the Ground-Based Radar at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory. Space Science Reviews, 219(6), p.47. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-023-00993-9 (publicly accessible)
Yamazaki, Y., Harding, B.J., Qiu, L., Stolle, C., Siddiqui, T.A., Miyoshi, Y., Englert, C.R. and England, S.L., 2023. Monthly Climatologies of Zonal‐Mean and Tidal Winds in the Thermosphere as Observed by ICON/MIGHTI During April 2020–March 2022. Earth and Space Science, 10(6), p.e2023EA002962. DOI: 10.1029/2023EA002962 (publicly accessible)
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Cullens, C. Y., England, S. L., Immel, T. J., Maute, A., Harding, B. J., Triplett, C. C., et al. 2022. Seasonal variations of medium-scale waves observed by ICON-MIGHTI. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL099383. Author's manuscript for public access. DOI: 10.1029/2022GL099383
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Forbes, J.M., Oberheide, J., Zhang, X., Cullens, C., Englert, C.R., Harding, B.J., Harlander, J.M., Marr, K.D., Makela, J.J. and Immel, T.J., 2022. Vertical coupling by solar semidiurnal tides in the thermosphere from ICON/MIGHTI measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, p.e2022JA030288. Preprint for public access. DOI: 10.1029/2022JA030288
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Gasperini, F., Crowley, G., Immel, T.J. and Harding, B.J., 2022. Vertical Wave Coupling in the Low-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere as Revealed by Concurrent ICON and COSMIC-2 Observations. Space Science Reviews, 218(7), pp.1-20. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-022-00923-1
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Lieberman, R.S., Harding, B.J., Heelis, R.A., Pedatella, N.M., Forbes, J.M. and Oberheide, J., 2022. Atmospheric lunar tide in the low latitude thermosphere‐ionosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, p.e2022GL098078. DOI: 10.1029/2022GL098078 (publicly accessible)
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Park, J., Evans, J. S., Eastes, R. W., Lumpe, J. D., van den Ijssel, J., Englert, C. R., & Stevens, M. H. 2022. Exospheric temperature measured by NASA-GOLD under low solar activity: Comparison with other data sets. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, e2021JA030041. DOI: 10.1029/2021JA030041 (publicly accessible)
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Stevens, M.H., Englert, C.R., Harlander, J.M., Marr, K.D., Harding, B.J., Triplett, C.C., Mlynczak, M.G., Yuan, T., Evans, J.S., Mende, S.B. and Immel, T.J., 2022. Temperatures in the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere from O2 Atmospheric Band Emission Observed by ICON/MIGHTI. Space Science Reviews, 218(8), pp.1-32. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-022-00935-x
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Liu, G., England, S.L., Lin, C.S., Pedatella, N.M., Klenzing, J.H., Englert, C.R., Harding, B.J., Immel, T.J. and Rowland, D.E., 2021. Evaluation of Atmospheric 3‐Day Waves as a Source of Day‐to‐Day Variation of the Ionospheric Longitudinal Structure. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(15), p.e2021GL094877. Public access. DOI: 10.1029/2021GL094877
Makela, J.J., Baughman, M., Navarro, L.A., Harding, B.J., Englert, C.R., Harlander, J.M., Marr, K.D., Benkhaldoun, Z., Kaab, M. and Immel, T.J., 2021. Validation of ICON‐MIGHTI thermospheric wind observations: 1. Nighttime Red‐line Ground‐Based Fabry‐Perot Interferometers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, p.e2020JA028726. Public access. DOI: 10.1029/2020JA028726
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Marr, K.D., Thayer, A.S., Englert, C.R., and Harlander, J.M., 2020. Determining the thermomechanical image shift for the MIGHTI instrument on the NASA-ICON satellite. Opt. Eng. 59(1) 013102 (11 January 2020). Public access. DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.59.1.013102.
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Marr, K.D., Morrow, W.H., Brown, C.M., Englert, C.R., Harlander, J.M., Cerrato, A., Lamport, K. and Harris, S.E., 2019. Calibration lamp design, characterization, and implementation for the Michelson Interferometer for Global High-Resolution Thermospheric Imaging instrument on the Ionospheric Connection satellite. Optical Engineering, 58(5), p.054104. Public access. DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.58.5.054104.
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Wautelet, G., Hubert, B., Gérard, J.-C., & Immel, T. J. 2019. The OI-135.6 nm nighttime emission in ICON-FUV 1 images: A new tool for the observation of classical medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances? Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, 7670– 7686. DOI: 10.1029/2019JA026930 (publicly accessible)
Immel, T.J., England, S.L., Mende, S.B., Heelis, R.A., Englert, C.R., Edelstein, J., Frey, H.U., Taylor, E.R., Craig, W.W., Harris, S.E., Bester, M., Bust, G.S., Crowley, G., Forbes, J.M., Gérard, J.-C., Harlander, J.M., Huba, J.D., Hubert, B., Kamalabadi, F., Makela, J.J., Maute, A.I., Meier, R.R., Raftery, C., Rochus, P., Siegmund, O.H.W., Stephan, A.W., Swenson, G.R., Frey, S., Hysell, D.L., Saito, A., Rider, K.A., and Sirk, M.M., 2018. The Ionospheric Connection Explorer mission: mission goals and design. Space Science Reviews, 214:13 (36pp.). Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0449-2
Kamalabadi, F., Qin, J., Harding, B.J., Iliou, D., Makela, J.J., Meier, R.R., England, S.L., Frey, H.U., Mende, S.B. and Immel, T.J., 2018. Inferring nighttime ionospheric parameters with the Far Ultraviolet Imager onboard the Ionospheric Connection Explorer. Space Science Reviews, 214:70 (14pp.). Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-018-0502-9
Stephan, A.W., Meier, R.R., England, S.L., Mende, S.B., Frey, H.U. and Immel, T.J., 2018. Daytime O/N2 Retrieval Algorithm for the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON). Space Science Reviews, 214:42 (17pp.). Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-018-0477-6
Stevens, M.H., Englert, C.R., Harlander, J.M., England, S.L., Marr, K.D., Brown, C.M., and Immel, T.J., 2018. Retrieval of Lower Thermospheric Temperatures from O2 A Band Emission: The MIGHTI Experiment on ICON. Space Science Reviews, 214:4 (9pp.). Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0434-9
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Englert, C.R., Brown, C.M., Bach, B., Bach, E., Bach, K., Harlander, J.M., Seely, J.F., Marr, K.D. and Miller, I., 2017. High-efficiency echelle gratings for MIGHTI, the spatial heterodyne interferometers for the ICON mission. Applied Optics, 56(8), pp.2090-2098. Preprint. DOI: 10.1364/AO.56.002090
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Harding, B.J., Makela, J.J., Englert, C.R., Marr, K.D., Harlander, J.M., England, S.L. and Immel, T.J., 2017. The MIGHTI Wind Retrieval Algorithm: Description and Verification. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.585-600. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0359-3
Harlander, J.M., Englert, C.R., Brown, C.M., Marr, K.D., Miller, I.J., Zastera, V., Bach, B.W. and Mende, S.B., 2017. Michelson interferometer for global high-resolution thermospheric imaging (MIGHTI): monolithic interferometer design and test. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.601-613. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0374-4
Heelis, R.A., Stoneback, R.A., Perdue, M.D., Depew, M.D., Morgan, W.A., Mankey, M.W., Lippincott, C.R., Harmon, L.L., and Holt, B.J., 2017. Ion Velocity Measurements for the Ionospheric Connections Explorer. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.615-629. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0383-3
Huba, J.D., Maute, A. and Crowley, G., 2017. SAMI3_ICON: Model of the Ionosphere/Plasmasphere System. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.731-742. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0415-z
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Mende, S.B., Frey, H.U., Rider, K., Chou, C., Harris, S.E., Siegmund, O.H.W., England, S.L., Wilkins, C., Craig, W., Immel, T.J. and Turin, P., 2017. The far ultra-violet Imager on the ICON mission. Space Science Reviews, 212(1-2), pp.655-696. Public access. DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0386-0
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