ICON's current location. Click here to go to the ICON position plotter tool for other times.

Mission Operations News

ICON Mission Operations Update #8 - New EUV Level 1 products and revised Level 2 retrievals

Level 2 version unchanged for now

Dr. Thomas Immel 0 850

The EUV Level 1 (L1) product containing EUV limb radiances has been updated to V3. This resolves primarily remaining issues with flatfielding. The Level 2 (L2) products are now re-run using these L1 inputs. The retrieval algorithm hasn't changed but the revision number has been indexed on the L2 products. This now extends the L2 products into 2021.

Mission Operations Update #7 - New Plasma Velocity products

IVM data now at version 5

Dr. Thomas Immel 0 721

New IVM Level 2 data (Version 5 of Product 2.7) are now available. This update improves the running correction for observed bias, using a measurement window that extends days into the future to inform the correction. As such, the data are released several weeks behind other products (2.2 and 2.4 for example) We recommend that users migrate to these products (available on the ICON FTP site) and review the documentation available here.


Mission Operations Update #6 - New Temperature Retrievals

MIGHTI 2.3 product up to Version 5

Dr. Thomas Immel 0 805

An update to the ICON MIGHTI 2.3 product for MLT temperatures is coming shortly to the public FTP site. It includes a number of changes related to the flat field of the instrument when making O2 A-band measurements at 5 different wavelengths. This extends the range of altitudes and solar zenith angles of available temperatures from both MIGHTI A and B, and reduces the differences in results from the two channels. Please see the Documentation online for details of this product update.

UPDATE: v5 of the temperature product is now on the public site.

Mission Operations Update #5 - New Nighttime FUV O+ retrievals

Dr. Thomas Immel 0 860

The ICON FUV 2.5 product for nighttime O+ profiles is updated to version 4 and available now in the public FTP archive. This product now contains a data quality flag indicating the possibility of additional radiance in the scene due to precipitation of conjugate photo electrons. This is further described in the product documentation, available on the Data page of this site.

Mission Operations Update #4 - New IVM L1 and L2 data now available

Dr. Thomas Immel 0 1366

New IVM Level 2 data (Version 4 of Product 2.7) is now available. This update extends the dataset to the end of 2020 and provide a correction for observed bias in all three velocity components. We recommend that users migrate to these products as soon as they are available. The largest correction is to ram velocities.

The version 3 Level 1IVM data are already approved and available on the FTP site.

ICON skin is based on Greytness by Adammer
Background image, courtesy of NASA, is a derivitave of photograph taken by D. Pettit from the ISS, used under Creative Commons license